MSB Road 15\16
The Al Ain Municipality Old shaabiyas project which began in 2019 is concerned with upgrading of roads and infrastructure, in particular the installation of a new (and deep) stormwater drainage system via a network of 1m wide and up to 4m deep trenches running through the street grid of the shabiyaat. These are government housing projects initiated from the late 1960s onwards. Some of them lie in or adjacent to the various World Heritage Site buffer zones and many are close to the oases and the historic earthen villages which they effectively replaced. To date we have monitored and documented a total length of more than 5km of these stormwater trenches.
The Al Ain Municipality Old shaabiyas project which began in 2019 is concerned with upgrading of roads and infrastructure, in particular the installation of a new (and deep) stormwater drainage system via a network of 1m wide and up to 4m deep trenches running through the street grid of the shabiyaat. These are government housing projects initiated from the late 1960s onwards. Some of them lie in or adjacent to the various World Heritage Site buffer zones and many are close to the oases and the historic earthen villages which they effectively replaced. To date we have monitored and documented a total length of more than 5km of these stormwater trenches.
The Al Ain Municipality Old shaabiyas project which began in 2019 is concerned with upgrading of roads and infrastructure, in particular the installation of a new (and deep) stormwater drainage system via a network of 1m wide and up to 4m deep trenches running through the street grid of the shabiyaat. These are government housing projects initiated from the late 1960s onwards. Some of them lie in or adjacent to the various World Heritage Site buffer zones and many are close to the oases and the historic earthen villages which they effectively replaced. To date we have monitored and documented a total length of more than 5km of these stormwater trenches.
WGS84 / UTM zone 40N
Hili Misbah
Road 15, Road 16
Al Ain Municipality Old shaabiyas project
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